Terms of Use - Copyright Information
The Alexandria iBase Project (AIP) is a 501 (c3) educational foundation providing a variety of sources in the field of Astrology for education, research, and scholarship. In addition to the location of print materials, AIP provides a collection of digital materials either in AstroCat, the Special Collections digital database, or on AlP’s Website. Although these materials are publicly accessible, they are not necessarily in the public domain. For materials not in the public domain, AIP has sought permission from authors, publishers, and copyright owners to provide these materials for personal use only.
If copyright status is not specifically evident within the digital work, AIP will attempt to provide that information in the cataloging record (or metadata) as a service to aid the user. However, the ultimate responsibility of appropriate use rests with the user
Conditions of Use
Items catalogued in AstroCat but linked to the digital item from another source (Ex: Internet Archive).
- Since AIP only links to the source of the digital copy, conditions of use are determined by the original source.
Items in the public domain
- While we may have determined a book to be in the public domain for users in the United States, it may not be in the public domain for users in other
- Whether a book is still in copyright varies from country to country, and AIP cannot offer guidance on whether any specific use of any specific book is allowed.
- There may also be additional content (such as illustrations or commentary) contributed by other individuals that may be subject to copyright and rights for specific uses may need to be sought beyond what we can
- Users are responsible for ensuring that use of the materials found on the AIP website and in Astro Cat is legal.
Digital items provided by AIP
Users are not permitted to download any files for reuse on any public or private server intended for redistribution publicly or by subscription.